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세계에서 제일 깊은 바다 톱 10 Deepest Oceans And Seas Top10


The Pacific Ocean is the world’s deepest ocean and water body, with an average depth of 4,280 meters, and a maximum depth of 10,911 meters. It contains the Earth’s deepest point (Challenger Deep, at 10,928 m) and the Southern Hemisphere’s deepest point (Horizon Deep, at 10,823 m).

The Atlantic Ocean has an average depth of 3,646 meters, making it the third-deepest ocean by average depth, with a maximum depth of 8,376 m below sea level. The Puerto Rico Trench, located near the Caribbean Sea, is the Atlantic’s deepest point. The Indian Ocean has an average depth of 3,741 m, making it the second deepest ocean by the average depth. However, the ocean is 7,258 m deep at the deepest point, making it the third deepest ocean and water body. The Java Trench, located near Sumatra Island, is the Indian Ocean’s deepest point.


태평양은 세계에서 가장 깊은 바다이자 수역이며 평균 수심은 4,280 미터, 최대 수심은 10,911 미터입니다. 태평양은 지구에서 가장 깊은 지점 (챌린저 딥, 10,928 미터)과 남반구에서 가장 깊은 지점 (호라이즌 딥, 10,823 미터)을 포함하고 있습니다.


대서양의 평균 깊이는 3,646미터이고, 해수면 아래 최대 깊이는 8,376미터입니다. 카리브 해 근처에 위치한 푸에르토리코 해구는 대서양에서 가장 깊은 지점입니다. 인도양의 평균 깊이는 3,741미터이고, 평균 깊이로는 두 번째로 깊은 바다입니다. 하지만, 이 바다는 가장 깊은 지점의 7,258미터이므로 세 번째로 깊은 바다이자 수역입니다. 수마트라 섬 근처에 위치한 자바 해구는 인도양의 가장 깊은 지점입니다.


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